Saturday, January 24, 2015

Working on the SITEC logo for 2015

Here are 3 designs that I've come up with for the SITEC logo. We already had some suggestions to make the swim, bike, and run guys larger, so I'll see what I can do to size them up a little.

These designs were made to put on any singlet or tri-top. The goal is so that people have a choice of either go with the clothing available or buy their own blank singlet or shirt or top and have this thing easily screen-printed onto the fabric.

Both the light and dark designs have only 2 color inks, so the prices should be cheaper than a more elaborate design. And hopefully the design has the instant eye-catching effect and recognition from others with just one short glimpse of the logo.

Here are the designs that I have now...this is the one for a light background...

Logo can be used with white or light colored fabric.

And here are two for the dark-colored or black background...

Dark logo #1...

Dark logo #2 - with gray as the primary color

I'll be sending these out to a screen printer for quotes starting the first week of February, so stay tuned. If you have any input on these, let me know. I'm always open to suggestions. :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our 2015 Race List. Let's get out there!

Hey guys...glad to see a lot of you this past Saturday! Couple of things said at the meeting...we are trying to get a simple way of screen printing our club name onto singlets, triathlon tops, and other things. Possible options might include local entities like Special Tees, Shortstop or R&L in Staten Island where we can get them done in a pinch.
Secondly, races were discussed in which to come out with numbers, hopefully with the new uniforms. We will come out in numbers for these races:

May 24 - Nav-E-Sink 1.2 and 2.4 mile swims in Rumson, NJ ( ).

June 13 - Pancake Triathlon on Staten Island ( ).

July 11 - Coney Island Aquathon and Swims (Brooklyn invades our territory; why not invade theirs this year? ;-)  ). Link here:

August 9 - Staten Island Triathlon ( )

Also one more thing to mention. The Jersey State Triathlon on July 18 is a USA Triathlon Club Championship. I will be writing an email to get the RD there to hold several slots for our club to utilize for that race. When you register, you will be shown a menu with our club listed. Choose it to be a part of the team!
I will place these on the club's website ( ) later today.

P.S. I'm also probably going to list War at the Shore Triathlon soon, but I'm waiting on whether the RD would give us a $15 discount for that race. I'll let you know soon.

Anyway, good luck to everyone in planning their 2015 season!